What do you want people to take away?
Don’t feel desperate. You have to believe that behind this door, there is another door.
Do you feel you have given something to other women?
I cannot speak for other women, but I can say for myself, the more I tell and the more I share this story, the more relief I feel.
Do you feel you connected with other women here or in other places?
Yes, probably more with women all over the world...There are eight billion people on planet Earth and let’s say, four billion are women. And I hope there are two, or three, or ten thousand, or only one, that feels exactly the same that I felt. And I hope that she can relate to that story and I can relate to her story... I remember this quote from the Talmud, Jewish holy book: “If you have saved one life, you have saved a whole nation.”
Do you feel any more compassion towards yourself since sharing your story?
It’s a very painful topic for me right now. I usually do a lot of things to forget myself... I do not know how to feel compassion towards myself. I am that horse that will run until it dies... This workshop is a good thing and a good initiative to just realize myself, and to stop and take a breath, and to take a look at even a small part of my life from the other angle.