Why did you select this story to tell?
This is the main issue in my life right now. Any realizations about yourself?
Until I came here, I thought I was the only one with such a problem. But after coming here, I was introduced to the problems of other girls. I realized I am not the only one who has a problem. There are girls who have bigger situations, bigger issues.
Do you feel you have given something to other women?
I want to tell other women that face domestic violence, they should speak about this, tell their parents and tell society. Don’t keep it inside.
Do you feel more connected to other women?
I work at a beauty salon, working on eyebrows. I have girl clients at the beauty salon, and I brought them here.
Do you have any advice for other women?
I want to tell young women to be yourself, love yourself, and always do everything yourself. Don’t feel shame when you are sharing your stories. If you want to say something, just tell it and feel it.