What do you want young women to take from your story?
The main point I want other girls to take from this story is to not hide and cut themselves off, because if I kept it to myself, I would’ve suffered a lot more.
Did you have any realizations during this project?
When the situation happened, I blocked myself from feeling any kind of emotions. I wanted to cry but the tears couldn’t come out. The situation happened approximately a year ago, but here and now is the first time I’ve allowed myself to go through it and cry about it. It’s such a release.
Do you feel you gave something to other women?
Yes, I do feel that I have my own contribution to this because I know a lot of stories when relatives commit violence towards their younger sisters, and they all keep silent. And by telling my story, I feel like they also would not feel alone or this loneliness. Just after this accident, I was afraid to go outside in the darkness. I would start shaking when a man came next to me, I would start sweating, my heart was racing. I couldn’t feel comfortable, I couldn’t feel good, when any man would come around me. But now I feel like I’m overcoming this.