GTG asked: What is the main message of your story?
I want young people to know that there are options for them and if they feel like . . . I want young people to feel like it’s not the end of the world – there are resources to help them. I want them to know if they are being bullied there are ways to stop the harassment. You can press charges on the people who make you feel uncomfortable.
GTG asked: Why did you tell this story
I wanted to tell that story because I thought it was—I feel like it’s a subject that not a lot of people touch on, they do have the experience in it. Sort of like the elephant in the room no one really talks about - and I feel like these are the kind of stories that you have to tell.
Later E shared:
I told a story that other women in the same position would not feel safe or comfortable sharing . . . I told my story without having to censor myself, which I feel is super important.