GTG asked: What is the main message of your story?
The main message of my story is this situation. I’m not the only one that’s been through it, I’m sure there are a lot of other women [that this has happened to]. I also have a little sister and who knows what she going to do when she gets older; she is going the same thing I did, you know get on a train and go to NYC, and not think about how the night is going to turn out. So maybe if I show her this story it will stay in her mind for a time when she is about to make a wrong decision like I did. She will think about it again, and say OK well maybe this isn’t such a good idea, let’s just go to dinner or whatever instead of going out with these people.
GTG asked: What do you want young women to relate to?
Decision making. Every decision you make it’s going to . . . [L thoughtfully pauses], definitely decision making, think before you act, think your night through.